

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn" - By Benjamin Franklin

A very true sentence. If organization has skilled resource then organization also will grow as its employee. That is where the "TRAINING" word come.

Here is some research on market:

  • Industry and government in the United States spend approximately $90 billion each year on employee training and education.

  • Average Japanese companies spend about 6% of budget on training.

  • Study of major automobile manufactures found U. S. automakers spend about 40 hours training new employees compared to 300 hours for Japanese automakers.

  • Motorola CEO required all divisions to spend at least 2% of budget on training. Over next 7 years, profits increased 47% and it was estimated that each $1.00 in training yielded $30.00 in return.

And the Benefits of Training are:

  • Gives the supervisor more time to manage, standardized performance, less absenteeism, less turnover, reduced tension, consistency, lower costs, more customers, better service

  • Gives the workers confidence to do their jobs, reduces tension, boost morale and job satisfaction, reduces injuries and accidents, gives them a chance to advance.

  • Gives the business a good image and more profit.

  • With our experience and expertise in corporate training, we work with your company to achieve your goals. We offer a powerful combination of specific hands-on industry experience, application knowledge, technology expertise.

We provide corporate training on following topics:

  • SAP GRC AC 5.3 and AC 2010


  • ABAP Data Dictionary

  • ABAP Objects

  • Webdynpro for java and webdynpro for ABAP

  • OOPS in ABAP

  • FPM(Floor Plan Manager)

  • JCO

  • AS400 iSeries

  • Big Data / Hadoop / Data Analytics

  • Testing

  • JMS

  • MQ

  • MDB

  • Spring

  • SOAP

  • ibatis

  • Websphere 7.5(Configuration and deployment)

  • Maven